Amplifying Women in Podcasting with #ClaimPodParity
women podcasting experts, leaders and bosses are coming together to amplify each other and take up space
In the latest episode of Pod Chat, my guest was Arielle Nissenblatt of EarBuds Podcast Collective and more.
Along with the great insights she brought regarding community and diversity in the podcasting space, she also talked about the #ClaimPodParity movement.
This is a grassroots campaign that “…amplifies women in podcasting, and raises awareness to the talent and expertise of those historically excluded.”
In a space that’s been a male-dominated one, gender equality and parity has long been an issue and the women behind #ClaimPodParity are driving the movement to correct this.
This includes using social media, blogs, podcasts, live streams, and more to share the message and help educate the wider audience.
This complements/is complemented by this excellent piece in Sounds Profitable, which looks at the end of gatekeeping in podcasting.
In the piece, Caila Litman and Shreya Sharma (she/her) share insights on “…what the women building the podcast industry think about our collective responsibility to elevate underrepresented voices.”
The follow-up piece by Caila, Women Podcast Listeners: What We Know Right Now, dives into the programming and listener behaviour of women.
This included data from a tweet that Caila posted, where she asked about podcasts hosted by women (that, sadly, had the usual male trolls):
The article is an excellent breakdown of the current landscape as well as the ongoing need to amplify women in podcasting.
#ClaimPodParity is an excellent movement to do so. If you care about equality - and, frankly, that shouldn’t even be a question - learn more by visiting the #ClaimPodParity site, and reach out to those involved to ask how you can help.