Why the Right Podcast Hosting Company is a Key Part to Your Podcasting Growth
choosing a host based on your needs is super important
There are many elements that help podcasters and their shows succeed: quality of content, delivering on the promise of the show, an active and engaged audience, and more.
However, another aspect that may not be obvious at first is which podcast hosting company you use for your show(s). After all, with so many options to choose from, including free and paid options, surely it doesn’t matter which one you go with? After all, you publish your episode, the host sends to podcast apps, and then you measure with analytics, right?
While that’s the core basis for hosting, there are a lot more elements that make choosing your hosting solution an important one to get right, and I chat about this on the Podtastic Audio show with host Chris Smith (note: I’m Head of Podcaster Support and Experience at Captivate.fm).
We also talk about video podcasting, what makes a good podcast versus a bad one, why continuous improvement is key to being a great podcaster, and the mating habits of snails in Alaska. Honestly - I’m not even kidding with that last one (though it does fit in with the overall chat we had about podcasting)!
You can listen to the episode below, or on the Podtastic Audio website - enjoy!
Great read. Thank you.